


I love plants! Currently my dorm room only has the real estate for two - a peace lily and a string of pearls - but someday I will have hanging vines and giant houseplants on the floor.

This hobby was heavily inspired by my mom, who has giant plants all around our house and spends her spare time in the garden. Even she admits: sometimes, the plants die. Although she isn't particularly talented at gardening, that doesn't stop her from cultivating a hobby she loves. All the plants I own are propogations of her own.

not all of them will make it...
That's ok! plant parenting teaches you about the impermanance of life with low stakes and even lower emotional attachment. It's like having a pet, minus the fetch and cuddles.

dried flwoer boquets flowers on door

Continuing the theme of plant parenting, I also take a slightly more irresponsible - but aesthetically pleasing - interest in flowers and boquet making. What began as a galentines day project for my single ladies became a full-blown love for cut flowers + plants. My favorites include eucalyptus, tulips, wax flowers, and carnations.

distance running (ish)

oh boy! let me tell you about the riveting sport of champions: running! (aka the sport for people who have no hand-eye coordination). If you have masochistic tendencies and tend to see your teammates as competition, this sport is for you. also, consider therapy! Running also comes with the added bonus of joint pain, back issues, and a myriad of other problems.

elvira running a race Elvira and Li at a Track meet

Get started today! the rules are simple:
STEP 1: Run. until you have to stop.

see? I told you they were simple